Arieseni, Arieseni, jud. Alba
Pensiunea Oana este un loc retras pe valea Ariesului in Arieseni , cu doua camere cu baie proprie , incalzire cu sobe de teracota . Oaspetii vor avea acces la o bucatarie complet utilata .
Pensiunea a fost renovata complet in vara 2008, moderna si totusi rustica. Vara este un loc minunat de vacanta, cu posibilitatea de a face diferite drumetii la Ponor,Scarisoara, Biharia, etc.
Iarna este un loc propice sporturilor de iarna pensiunea fiind aproape de patiile de ski.
Pension Oana is a quiet place in the Aries Valley with 2 rooms ( each with own bath ) and one big kitchen complete equipped .
The pension Oana was completely rebuild is the summer 2008 modern but still rustic.
In the summer the pension is a wonderful place to make the trip to Ponor,Scarisoara ,Biharia,Groapa Ruginoasa etc.
In the winter this place is the ideal to make ski .The ski area are not very far from Pension Oana.The languages spoken are English and French so the contact number is 0040744776768 Simona DAVID